Hyperinflation Nation
>> July 17, 2009
To all my friends in the once mighty US of A, I would like to say: hold on guys, cause there some serious sh@t coming your way under the current Obama policy proposals.
Below I've added some interesting view of one of the first video's of National Inflation Association that shows us what is truly happening among the elites of America. Its time you all got sick. Sick of politicians and pork spending. Its time you take a stand an follow up on your pride and freedom where America stands for. Be patriotic and support congressman Ron Paul to fight this ignorant bunch of politicians that have other agenda's then the voter needs.
Take the political right in your own hands. Strife for a full audit of the Federal Reserve as this private entity is inflating your valued dollar away from you, unaudited. The FED uses the world and your nations wealth to perform their own glorious manipulative agendas to the benefit of their own. Its a scam.
Educate yourselves people. America is going down on a lack of principles and common logic. Follow the constitution and keep it simple but effective. The free market will always prevail. Government is there for economic stability and law and order. Not for free market manipulation. End it all. Right now. Vote Ron Paul, listen to Freedom Watch with Judge Andrew Napolitano. Read yourself into Peter Schiff and others that rely on the Austrian School of Economics.
Keynesianism is like Communism, Marxism and Socialism. Eventually it will all fail due to the nature of mankind. We are greedy. Only Capitalism has worked for us. The ones that work hard should get the rewards. A minimal social buffer is a good thing, if regulated (the framework that is) by government, but executed by the private sector, like healthcare for instance...
Its up to you, my American friends. I'm just a single European watching the demise of a glorious nation and its dollar currency...